Headshot of me in the Apple Store wearing a grey hoodie

Welcome to ConnorGurney.me.uk! It is, as you might guess from the name, the online home of your host, Connor Gurney.

I’m the co-founder and CEO of Gurste where we build software that helps emergency responders to share information. The idea came about following my volunteering in the aftermath of the Grenfell Tower fire when I managed technical matters for the first website for those affected.

I also work for a global telecommunications company and support their residential customers with fixed-line services. Suffice to say that I love the people who I work with and for, hate sending unnecessary engineers when I can fix issues remotely, and am impartial on the best provider (well, I certainly would be without my staff discount!).

Whilst I seem to have less free time than ever nowadays, I spend what free time I do have trying to memorialise BlackBerry® (remember them?!) working, cycling along the UK’s coastline or cooking as authentic a butter chicken as I know how to.