I’ve had a personal website in one form or another since as early as 2012. Whilst much of my content is sadly lost to time, I did adopt and add to my website a cub rendered in Flash from the long-defunct bunnyhero labs, and I think that’s beautiful to look back on.

Nowadays, however, this website is my one-stop shop for everything that I create and publish online. I try to follow the IndieWeb principles of owning my domain and using it as my primary online identity, publishing on my own site first, and owning my content.

From a technical standpoint, it’s generated by Jekyll, stored in and deployed from GitHub, and served from an Amazon S3 bucket with Amazon CloudFront in front of it. There’s also a few other moving parts, such as serverless functions, to support things like redirects.

In line with my beliefs that privacy ought to be a human right, I also don’t collect any personally-identifiable information, and nor do I use cookies or similar mechanisms to store data on your device. If that ever has to change, I’ll update this page accordingly.